Thursday, January 7, 2010

El Dorado dreamers have been proven right

(El Dorado also known as City of Z.) For those who haven't heard or seen the animated movie El Dorado, it was "an ancient empire of citadels and treasure hidden deep in the Amazon Jungle." The famous empire has also been known for its riches and its 'golden king'.

As many explorers have searched for this famous city, most have gotten lost in the vast Amazon jungle, and were never to be seen again.
"Now, however, the doomed dreamers have been proven right: there was a great civilisation. New satellite imagery and fly-overs have revealed [in an area spanning 155 miles] more than 200 huge geometric earthworks carved in the upper Amazon basin near Brazil's border with Bolivia. [These] circles, squares and other geometric shapes form a network of avenues, ditches and enclosures built long before Christopher Columbus set foot in the new world. Some date to as early as 200 AD, others to 1283. Scientists... believe there may be another 2,000 structures beneath the jungle canopy. [Many of these structures] have been revealed by the clearance of forest for agriculture... Many scientists saw the jungle as too harsh to sustain anything but small nomadic tribes. Now it seems the conquistadors who spoke of 'cities that glistened in white' were telling the truth. They, however, probably also introduced the diseases that wiped out the native people, leaving the jungle to claim – and hide – all trace of their civilisation."

Watching the movie growing up always gave me hope that El Dorado really was out there. Now that there is scientific proof that the city was real, my inner child is happy to know that believing can lead to truth.

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