Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Your Morning Coffee and how much water it takes

How much water it takes to create one Latte

"[Including] the lid cup sleeve sugar milk coffee, it takes 200 Liters of water or m ore than 50 gallons of water"

We can help change this "Latte Production" by "how we farm and produce coffee. We can produce more coffee using less water. WE can [also] do more [by] using less of the Natural Resources, right now"

You want to know what I think about this??


Tsunami Hits Samoa

In the early morning, an 8.2 magnitude earthqauke struck the South Pacific between the islands of Somoa and American Samoa. These islands contain about a quarter of a million people that were just starting their days when the quakes and tsunami occured. The "violent earthquakes" lasted for about 3 minutes, and were later followed by "4 massive waves" that reached the heights of 15 to 20 ft tall. So far, on these islands, there has been a recorded 19 deaths.

What I want to know is how the world can help out these islands in the South Pacific, and other areas that can be affected by these and other Natural Disasters. Is there a way to help advance our knowledge in Natural Disasters to help prevent or understand why they happen? Is there a way (in all) to prevent them? Is there a way to advance the worlds Warning Systems so that more people can be evacuated?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

New Nuke Site near Tehran, Iran

In Iran, a new Nuke Site has been created in the Arid Mountains near the city of Qom, which is near Tehran, Iran. Iran has now allowed access to the U.N. inspectors so they may inspect the Uranium enriched facility.

Friday, September 25, 2009

We're not out of Guantanamo Bay yet...

The President has only four months left to close down the Guantanamo Bay Military Prison. Obama's administration after working to recover from mishaps are putting officials behin schedule. They may not finish within four months. If we don't get outin four months will anything go wrong? or will cuba just let us finish up what is needed.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Babies born in Winter,New known facts

New Known facts about Children born during the winter time...
These children born during the winter have been known to test poorly, which leads to not getting far in school, which also leads to a lower wage job. Another educational problem for winter babies is that since they are older than most in their grades, they can drop out of school earlier than others. Another possibility for winter children not succeeding as well as others is a possible vitamin D problem. This plays a role because children born in the winter are getting less sunlight in their early life, than if they were born in the spring or summertime. Also children born in the winter have higher birth-defect rates that has been a suggested cause due to a higher concentration of pesticides in water in the spring and summer, when the child was conceived.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lehman Brothers collapse

On the 1 year anniversary of the Lehman Brothers calling bankrupt, Obama makes a speech in New York about the past reckless behavior of the economy. He included the fact that the Lehman Brothers collapse is, to this day, "the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history and a stark reminder of [our] financial crisis...we will not go back to the days of reckless behavior and unchecked excess that was at the heart of this crisis". He also goes on to state that "the taxpayers were immeasurably harmed from last year's financial collapse-- and that, barring change, it could happen again".
Youtube Speech part 1,Part 2,Part 3

Post 9/11 Security measures for U.S. embassies

A Federal Times article from 2005 states that in the post 9/11 world the U.S. embassies decided to upgrade their security. The new U.S. embassies are now required to "have protective walls that are at least 100 feet away from the embassies... [that] must protect against explosions and ramming attacks from vehicles, and they must be difficult to climb, [their] windows and doors are bulletproof...The new buildings are strong enough to resist most earthquakes and bombs".

I understand the fact that the United States Embassies want to be secure and safe but this seems to be going a little far. It's like the United States is being paranoid. As Thomas L. Friedman said, the new ebassies are so secure that they are a place "where no birds fly"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Turkey And Armenia

Turkey And Armenia are trying to become Allys after trust issues that. Effects: Exchanging of ambassadors,border betweent the two countries will be opened for the first time since 1993 , arrival of a new Turkish foreign minister. BBC World Service Radio.

Married On 9/9/09

9/9/09 is the emergency number in the UK and it's easy to remember.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Drop Off Your E-Waste

Drop Off Your E-Waste on Friday, Sept. 18, from 4:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Call 3, CEAR Hold E-Waste Drive At Cal Expo. Dumping old electronics in the landfill is harmful to the environment and illegal. drop-off day on Friday, Sept. 18, from 4:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Obama's Green Czar

Obama's Green Czar jobs resignes b/c he was a liability (amid a controversy). "On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me...But I came here to fight for others, not for myself."http://whitehouse.blogs.foxnews.com/2009/09/06/green-jobs-czar-van-jones-resignation/

bay bridge

1/2 inch crack found in Bay Bridge, "Bridge may not be ready tuesday morning" NBC KCRA 3

Water Main in Ventura

Water main breaks on Ventura BLVD. How much money will it take to repair?

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Budget Cuts

even more schools are having to resort to 4 days a week school weeks, because of not having sufficient funds