Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tsunami Hits Samoa

In the early morning, an 8.2 magnitude earthqauke struck the South Pacific between the islands of Somoa and American Samoa. These islands contain about a quarter of a million people that were just starting their days when the quakes and tsunami occured. The "violent earthquakes" lasted for about 3 minutes, and were later followed by "4 massive waves" that reached the heights of 15 to 20 ft tall. So far, on these islands, there has been a recorded 19 deaths.

What I want to know is how the world can help out these islands in the South Pacific, and other areas that can be affected by these and other Natural Disasters. Is there a way to help advance our knowledge in Natural Disasters to help prevent or understand why they happen? Is there a way (in all) to prevent them? Is there a way to advance the worlds Warning Systems so that more people can be evacuated?

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