Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Post 9/11 Security measures for U.S. embassies

A Federal Times article from 2005 states that in the post 9/11 world the U.S. embassies decided to upgrade their security. The new U.S. embassies are now required to "have protective walls that are at least 100 feet away from the embassies... [that] must protect against explosions and ramming attacks from vehicles, and they must be difficult to climb, [their] windows and doors are bulletproof...The new buildings are strong enough to resist most earthquakes and bombs".

I understand the fact that the United States Embassies want to be secure and safe but this seems to be going a little far. It's like the United States is being paranoid. As Thomas L. Friedman said, the new ebassies are so secure that they are a place "where no birds fly"

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