Sunday, February 7, 2010

The homeless

The Homeless, and facts (All of these following facts and statements are from the previous link, and studies taken in and before 2009).

In the United States "Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington State, and Washington D.C. have the highest rates of homelessness". In 2007, The United States had at least 671,859 homeless people, with the state of California containing 159,732 of the homeless. Of the 159,732 homeless people in California, 29,400 of them were Veterans that were kicked out of their homes.

The recession will force 1.5 million more people into homelessness over the next two years, according to estimates by The National Alliance to End Homelessness. In a 2008 report, the U.S. Conference of Mayors cited a major increase in the number of homeless in 19 out of the 25 cities surveyed. On average, cities reported a 12 percent increase of homelessness since 2007.

In 2009, "One out of 50-or about 1.5 million- American Children [were] homeless

The three main causes of people being homeless is...
The lack of affordable housing
and Unemployment

Each of these causes can be a lack of education. One can lose their job due to somebody else having a better education, budget cuts, and many other problems.

Do these raising numbers in homeless people, and people becoming homeless have to do with their education, or lack thereof, in their life?? I believe that in most cases, that include children, it does. With children that grew up homeless, most did not have an education because their parents were not able to pay for it. What I mean by this is that since their parents were homeless, they couldn’t pay for clothes, books supplies, food, for their children to go to school every day, they also may not have the luxury of clean clothes every day. Their lack of education creates a domino effect in their life because with no a small or nonexistent amount of education ,they are unlikely to get high paying job, or even a low paying job, they also, because of little to no education, will not have the social skills to interact in the world. The lack of education, no job, and low social skills, can lead them to a life of always being homeless. For adults, education was not always their problem, which led them to their financial downfall. Their downfall could be a result of bad choices like gambling, or non-wise investments. Their financial collapse can also be due to loss of job, as stated earlier, or being demoted, going down the ladder instead of up.

One thing that I think will lower the amount of people who are homeless, not only in the United States, but in the world, is educating the homeless. Giving them their education gives them the chance to get a job, a house, and a continuous paycheck, inturn getting them out of the "homeless catagory".

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