Sunday, February 7, 2010

Writting on a desk and arrested?!?!

Now we all know from school that we aren't supposed to write on desks, but getting arrested from doodling on your desk?!?! This particular school says that they were just following protocol! How can a schools protocol be if one writes on their desk, they get arrested! It's a little extreme!!

Students go to school to learn, Mathematics, History, English, Languages, and ART. But wait, isn't art encouraging people to draw, and can't that sometimes lead to people doing graffiti?!?! Does this mean that we need to get rid of Art classes and schools!! HECK NO!! Yes for drawing on her desk, she should have been punished, but not be arrested! How about some old school, clean all the desks in the room, or having to write down (on a piece of paper of course) to the teacher, why you felt compelled to draw on the desk, or just plain old detention!?!?

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