Wednesday, May 12, 2010

BP Releases Video of Oil Leak

Now alot of people know that alot of oil is spilling into the Gulf of Mexico and landing on beaches along the Gulf, but actually seeing the oil and gas spilling from the ocean floor is an eye opener. About 200,000 gallons of oil each day is entering the ocean, and in the first 21 days of the oil spill, almost 4 million gallons have spilled into the Gulf of Mexico.

The below is a video from abcnews showing the oil and gass spewing into the Gulf of Mexico.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

When it comes to our environment, I'm definitly side with the Democratic Party

On the issue of our environment, I am seen as very progressive. I do agree that using oil like it is a renewable resource is not the best way for our world to go. We need to look for new technologies or materials to use in the future: like briquettes that are being tested, as a sustainable fuel source, in Kenya.

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is devistating. Although the oil spill occured in late April, the effects are still being felt today. One example of its effects is shown by just looking at the picture above. The bird and the water around it is covered in oil. Unless this bird is cleaned soon by volunteers, it will most likely die. I think that our culture and the rest of the world needs to come up with a solution soon: to our environmental problems of too much carbon emissions being caught in teh atmosphere, not having sustainable fuels, and not having enough sustainable transportation.

An action that is being taken is stated by BBC News "Bundles of absorbent material have been laid along the shore of Dauphin Island in an attempt to protect the resort area." Another action that has been taken is placing a large dome over the leaks.

Friday, May 7, 2010


In my opinion the Republicans have more strengths than weaknesses. A quote from GOP that shows a Republican strength is that they "believe in the value of voluntary giving and community report." A weakness from the same source is that they "support low taxes because [they think that] individuals know best how to make their own economic and charitable choices." From yestodemocracy a great weakness that they have is that "Republicans have readily dismissed global warming as being a threat despite all the scientific research that has been conducted". Although this is true yestodemocracy also stated that "in recent years, they have been warming up to the idea that this [global warming/climate change] could be a viable threat".

Another large amount of weaknesses shown on the website have to do with abortion, gay rights, and our environment. The Republicans think that there should be a "Human Life Amendment" added to the Constitution, and that Abortions should be banned with the legal help of a Constitutional Amendment. The republicans view on homosexuality is very blunt. They want to act upon creating a constitutional amendment that would ban all same-sex marriages, and they support the traditional definition of marriage of a man and a woman getting married.On the subject of our environment. Republicans think that there should be no mandatory carbon emission controls, and that "Cap-and-trade market-based air pollution" restrictions should be reduced.


The Democrats have many strengths and weaknesses that help people to choose what political party they affiliate themselves with. To help you decide here are the major strengths and weaknesses, in my opinion, of the Democrats.

In my opinion, since I affiliate myself more with the Democrats, there are many strengths.

From the following links 1, 2, 3, 4, many facts and statements are given. Most Democrats believe in higher minimum wages to help with the working poor. Democrats usually oppose tax cuts for our economy and "typically favor higher taxes"says yestodemocracy. Also on the topic of taxes, many Democrats think that the richer and larger companies should pay higher taxes that the lower earning and poorer people. The Democratic party, as money matters thinks, has a "strong stand on affirmative action, welfare for the lower class, unemployment labor unions, and immigration." When it comes to education, college, and money, Democrats have a great view. They want to "aim to provide low-cost publicly funded college education with low tuition fees and increase availability of grants and scholarships" and that "college tuition [should be] tax deductible." In a short and sweet Democratic view on Abortion, Democrats believe in easy access to birth control, public funding for contraception for the poor, and believe that choice is a fundamental right that all women (should) have.

On the issue of our environment the Democrats have many views and suggestions. From ezinearticles most Democrats want to "strengthen environmental protection laws and impose stringent sanctions on polluters". Money Matters says that Democrats believe that "we cannot drill our way to energy independence". Also that we need to "Develop renewable energy and efficient vehicles. [And that our governments should] Invest in technology and transportation [that is] friendy to the earth".

Discrimination and Gay rights is also an important issue that people look at when deciding what political party they affiliate themselves with. Ezinearticles states "[the Democratic party] believes that discrimination against persons because of their sexual orientation is wrong, and they support adoption rights for same-sex couples". Ontheissues thinks that "Racial and religious profiling is wrong, and that there should be affirmative action to redress discrimination". The also think that marriage laws should be kept at the state level, not the federal level.

In my opinion, from the above given links there are two main weaknesses of the Democratic party. They "believe in the use of military force against those responsible for attacks against the United States, [and that] we do not have to choose between our economy and our environment"