Sunday, May 9, 2010

When it comes to our environment, I'm definitly side with the Democratic Party

On the issue of our environment, I am seen as very progressive. I do agree that using oil like it is a renewable resource is not the best way for our world to go. We need to look for new technologies or materials to use in the future: like briquettes that are being tested, as a sustainable fuel source, in Kenya.

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is devistating. Although the oil spill occured in late April, the effects are still being felt today. One example of its effects is shown by just looking at the picture above. The bird and the water around it is covered in oil. Unless this bird is cleaned soon by volunteers, it will most likely die. I think that our culture and the rest of the world needs to come up with a solution soon: to our environmental problems of too much carbon emissions being caught in teh atmosphere, not having sustainable fuels, and not having enough sustainable transportation.

An action that is being taken is stated by BBC News "Bundles of absorbent material have been laid along the shore of Dauphin Island in an attempt to protect the resort area." Another action that has been taken is placing a large dome over the leaks.

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