Friday, May 7, 2010


In my opinion the Republicans have more strengths than weaknesses. A quote from GOP that shows a Republican strength is that they "believe in the value of voluntary giving and community report." A weakness from the same source is that they "support low taxes because [they think that] individuals know best how to make their own economic and charitable choices." From yestodemocracy a great weakness that they have is that "Republicans have readily dismissed global warming as being a threat despite all the scientific research that has been conducted". Although this is true yestodemocracy also stated that "in recent years, they have been warming up to the idea that this [global warming/climate change] could be a viable threat".

Another large amount of weaknesses shown on the website have to do with abortion, gay rights, and our environment. The Republicans think that there should be a "Human Life Amendment" added to the Constitution, and that Abortions should be banned with the legal help of a Constitutional Amendment. The republicans view on homosexuality is very blunt. They want to act upon creating a constitutional amendment that would ban all same-sex marriages, and they support the traditional definition of marriage of a man and a woman getting married.On the subject of our environment. Republicans think that there should be no mandatory carbon emission controls, and that "Cap-and-trade market-based air pollution" restrictions should be reduced.

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