Saturday, December 5, 2009

Former Alexandria, Virginia Police Chief David P. Baker arrested for a DUI

Former Alexandria police chief David P. Baker has been denied a new life insurance policy.
Why may you ask? The man who is there to help keep others safe on the roads and people safe in there homes was arrested for a DUI this past July, "when he was caught drunk behind the wheel of an unmarked city car after a fender-bender in Arlington County. In that one moment, the well-respected chief lost it all.

In his cheesy Youtube video titled Even a Police Chief Can Get Nailed Drunk Driving Baker described how he felt being caught. Some of his emotions included fright, humiliation, and disgust. Baker goes on to state some facts about checkpoints in Virginia, Maryland and D.C.. One of which includes that these checkpoints will arrest of 75,000 for drunk driving in the year of 2009. Some effects of a DUI arrest are thousands of dollars for the fine, the loss of your license, time spent behind bars and reactions of those you know, and how they will look at you. The most important effect of getting arrested for a DUI, is that it will never go away (for example because of Barkers arrest, he was not able to get a new life insurance policy). This video ends with the quote, "Are you going to risk everything by drinking and driving? Are you going to kill someone tonight?"

Personally? I think it's stupid for someone to have more drinks than they can handle and to also think that it would be smart to drive after having more than your full of alcohol.

Video from Washington Post and Youtube

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