Saturday, December 5, 2009

Six Uighur Chinese detainees sent to Palau

The Obama administration has sent six Uighur Chinese detainees from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the Pacific island nation of Palau. Three of the six, are clients of the center while the other three are represented by other lawyers. An administration official confirmed the detainees had been sent to Palau (small Pacific island north of between australia and Japan). "The transfer leaves 215 detainees at the detention camp that President Obama has pledged to close by Jan. 22, although political and legal hurdles are making it difficult for his administration to meet that goal."

"Palau has agreed to take up to a dozen Uighurs, who come from China's largely Muslim far-west region of Xinjiang and were captured by the U.S. government during the Afghanistan war". Although hey have been deemed not to be "enemy combatants" they have remained at Guantanamo because the prison was having trouble relocating them to another penitentiary.
"Palau has agreed to provide a temporary home for the three men while the United States continues to search for a country where they can be permanently resettled"

I have two questions...

Wasn't Guantanamo supposed to already be closed by now? What's taking so long Obama??
How were they able to figure out whether the people were "enemy combatants" or not?

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