Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Advantages of Solar Power

Here are a few major advantages to having Solar Power panels in the world.

Since Solar power does not require any fuel besides the sun. Since it does not need fuel to generate electricity, no carbon dioxide, or nitrogen oxide is being release into the atmosphere, not contributing to global warming. The fact that there is not pollution, once the panels are made, it is considered to be "the most Clean and Green energy".

Another reason for why Solar Power is great for the environment is that "there is no on-going cost for the power to be generated" This is the cause of free solar "energy" (radiation). This also is great because it can be used for a very long time, unlike other sources of energy such a oil, where the supply will eventually run out at the present use rate.

Solar Power is also a great source of energy because it can be stored while there is sunlight, to use during a time when there isn't. This in turn cuts electricity costs to almost zero.

One reason why houses may like to use solar panels on houses is the fact that solar panels "operate silently, have no moving parts, and do no release offensive smells[, like natural gas]". Solar panels also are easier to install than large energy plants.

Solar Panels also can move with the path of the sun to collect the most amount of light/energy, to either be used or stored for a later time.

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