Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Obama's small speech

This past Thursday the Health Care Reform Summit was held. Both the Democrats and the Republican main leaders were there to argue and agree on the Health Care Reform.

After the Summit, Obama gave a mini speech.
Some main areas where Obama says the two party's agree is that the rise in cost of Health Care is a huge problem for families, small bissinesses and our federal budget. They also agreed that
"... small businesses and individuals should be allowed to participate in a new insurace market place that would allo them to get a better deal from insurance companies" Another area where Obama agrees with the two party's is that "people with preexisting problems should be able to get coverage".

A difference that Obama acknowledges is how people with preexisting problems should get coverage, and whether companies should be held accountable when they deny a person care or if they should arbitrarily raise premius. Obama also says in his little speech that he agrees with this.

Here are two (somewhat) inspiring quotes to get this done.

Obama said at the end of last Thursdays Summit that “I’m eager and willing to move forward with members of both pary’s on healthcare if the other side is serious about coming together to resolve our differences and get this done”

“Let’s get this done” says Obama at the end of this speech. Him saying means that he wants the refor to be passed because the United States needs it now not later. I agree with Obama’s last sentence.

Here is the video where I got my quotes from

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