Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Texas Trying to Change History?

The Texas State Board of Education has finally reached an all time low. How have they done this? By
removing Thomas Jefferson from a list of Enlightenment thinkers who changed the world... By 10-5, it voted down a proposal that teachers' examine the reasons The Founding Fathers protected religious freedom in America by barring government from protecting or disfavoring any particular religion over all others.
The Houston Chronicle states that this has occurred for one main reason. Texans when "not paying attention" elected extremists to the Texas Board of Education without knowing it. Some possible changes that the state of Texas can make in the elections of the board members are
elect[ing] the board members in nonpartisan elections. Maybe they should be appointed by the governor and approved by the state Senate (a process similar to the way federal judges are appointed). Or maybe curriculum authority should move from the state board to the Texas commissioner of education, who's appointed by the governor — a higher-level politician that more voters pay attention to.
I wonder if the parents of these students in Texas have the same feelings that the Board of education in the state of Texas does (against protection of all religion, and Thomas Jefferson).

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