Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Congressman Bart Stupaks view of the health reform bills

Congressman Bart Stupak, representing Michigan's 1st District, stated last week that it any federal funding for abortion was on the health care reform, they are "prepared to strike [it] down". On Monday "he is 'more optimistic' than he was... regarding legislative negotiations." Stupak says that both he and President Obama do not

want to expand or restrict current law (on abortion). [Although Stupak is] satisfied with the current House bill... he has been vocal in his opposition to the Senate bill... the Senate bill is 'unacceptable' on the issue of abortion...[White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says] ultimately, 'this is not a bill about abortion. This is about health care reform.'... Stupak's coalition, saying, 'The bottom line is that Pelosi needs Stupak's supporters to pass health care reform. She doesn't have the votes any other way.' 'Now, she doesn't want to alienate the pro-choicers. So that's why she, Hoyer and Stupak are working on language that's more conservative than Nelson's in the Senate but a bit more liberal than Stupak's. How they thread that needle is anyone's guess,' Stricherz said.
So pretty much Stupak is happy to pass the House bill, but feels that the Senate be needs to be fixed, and that the only way Pelosi will get this reform passed is with Stupak's supporters.

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