Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"Exactly how many is a 'hella'"?

In math or science class did you ever hear the words "zetta" or "yotta"? Well you may be hearing the word "hella" as a new term in the math and science world. "Austin Sendek, a UC Davis physics student, has started a petition to establish a new, scientifically accepted prefix, 'hella,'...would indicate 10^27, or 1 followed by 27 zeros." To adults this may seems just plain silly, and to conservative adults, this would mean just another way students can swear. At first, still as a joke, he put up a petition on Facebook and now nearly has 19,000 fans with and increase of about 1,000 fans per day. Of course, with "hella" being (mainly) a Northern California slang word, its getting a lot of popularity on Facebook.

Although it seems like "Hella" will not make it into the science or math world, students, scientists, and some adults would be happy to see it go through

hella can be used in front of so many words i cant even list them, just go
to urbandictionary.com (linked to "hella" page) and just look at the left column!

So what was the point of this particular blog? The point was, hey if you have an idea, try it out, test it out, send it to people to get it out in the world. Don't just let it sit in the back of your head as a "shoulda' coulda' woulda' didn't". As people say "If at first you don't succeed, try try again"!

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