Friday, October 2, 2009

Cellphones are the roads main problem

For the United States nearly 6,000 people were killed, and more than half a million people were injured in crashes that were linked to texting or talking behind the wheel. These distractions have lead to 20% of the U.S.'s accidents. Although parents are seen texting and calling while driving, they are not the "prime perps when it comes to the distracted-driving accidents". The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said " that drivers younger than 20 are [more] likely to have [these] accidents." So far the District and seven other states have made talking on a cellphone without a hands-free device while driving illegal to all ages. "Congress is considering a nationwide ban on texting behind the wheel, which is already illegal in the District, Maryland, Virginia and 16 other states. In D.C. last year, 12,000 cellphone-gabbing drivers got tickets and 140 were cited for other distracting habits."Although adults and drivers younger than 20 are compelled to text or call somebody while driving, I believe that the congress should pass a nationwide ban on texting or calling behind the wheel. This is not only because of the facts given above, but I think its not smart. There is no reason why a driver cannot pull over or park somewhere to take a call or text someone. A call or text is not as important as a life.

"Californians will ring in the new year Thursday with a number of new laws, including a ban on text messaging while driving, additional punishment of drunken drivers and protection against elder abuse."

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