Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lake Chad Shrinking?!?!

From a satellite image taken in 1963, Lake Chad was the size of Maryland, which is bigger than Israel or Kuwait. As of 2003, the size of Lake Chad has decreased to less than one-fifth of the original 1963 size. Lake Chad, that was once one of the "biggest bodies of water in the world, could disappear entirely in about 20 years. Parviz Koohafkan says that "The Lake Chad basin is 'one of the most important agriculture heritage sites in the world -- the biodiversity, the migratory birds, not to mention more than 20 million people living out of Lake Chad -- fisherpeople, farmers. [And] 'It would be a human disaster, a tragedy'". The decrease in the size of Lake Chad has been caused by many things, including climate change (global warming), and population pressuring the lakes water supply. Another factor to the decreased size is that the "Two rivers which feed the lake, the Chari and Logone, have been significantly reduced in the past 40 years, the agency said."

First off, I must admit that even though Lake Chad is widley known, I never knew where Lake Chad was located, let alone how much its surrounding area depended on its water. Knowing the fact that there are over 20 million people living from Lake Chads resources, and that Lake Chad is "one of the most important agriculture heritage sites in the world -- the biodiversity, the migratory birds..." is just mind boggling. And knowing these facts I feel like there should be something that not only I, but the rest of the world could do to help the life that depends off of the shrinking lake.

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