Thursday, October 8, 2009

What the mayors of the US are trying to do to lower crime numbers

"A new report from a national coalition of mayors urges President Obama to adopt dozens of reforms to help curb gun violence, including steps to crack down on problems at gun shows and the creation of a federal interstate firearms trafficking unit." These include 40 recommendations that "would dramatically improve law enforcement's ability to keep guns out of the hands of criminals" This in turn would bring crime numbers down, and the amount of people killed due to crimes. There also were about 450 mayors nationwide that "focus on the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)". It has also been verified that "Criminal activity endemic to some gun shows goes unchecked". The reports from the mayors of the United States also include "a better approach to crime gun tracing, the process that tracks a seized weapon back to its first retail sale." Another idea that the mayors had to help stop gun crimes is for the manufacturers
stamp new guns with a second, hidden serial number...The ATF also needs $53 million to hire more field inspectors to ensure compliance by gun dealers, the report said. At the current pace, dealers are inspected once every 11 years, instead of the agency's goal of once every three years, according to the report.

I think that with the idea of new guns containing a second, hidden serial number, it would only be a matter of time until criminals found the hidden second serial number and manufacturers or ATF would have to find another way to catch criminals.

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