Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stray animals taking public transportation

Stray dogs have now learned how to commute from a city centre by using "underground trains" to search for food in different areas of a city. "the clever canines board the Tube each morning. After a hard day scavenging and begging on the streets, they hop back on the train and return to the suburbs where they spend the night... the dogs even work together to make sure they get off at the right stop-after learning to judge the length of time they need to spend on the train". Scientists believe that this daily migration of stray dogs from suburbs to city to suburbs again started after the 1990's when the Soviet Union collapsed, and new industrial complexes were built in the suburbs. if the dogs were confident enough, and new a lot about the trains, they would "jump on the train seconds before the doors shut, risking their tails getting jammed. They do it for fun. And sometimes they fall asleep and get off at the wrong stop." The dogs have also learned to "use traffic lights to cross the road safely", and they also learned how to obtain Shawarma, a popular snack in Moscow. The stray dogs did this by, sneaking up behind people eating shawarmas - then bark loudly to shock them into dropping their food." There have been other records of animals taking public transportation to find food. In 2006 a Jack Russell in Dunnington, North Yorks , began taking the bus to his local pub in search of sausages. And two years ago passengers in Wolverhampton were stunned when a cat called Macavity started catching the 331 bus to a fish and chip shop.

I think this was amazing. For these animals o be able to figure out how not only to get food from people, but to find food by taking public transportation is just amazing. Personally? I get lost on BART, and for these animals, with smaller brains to be able to take the bus or Bart-like transportation is fascinating

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