Saturday, October 24, 2009

Russian Miracle Baby

For Russia's mostly Muslim southern fringe, a new "miracle" has occurred. This miracle is a 9-month-old baby named Ali Yakubov. He is seen as a "miracle" by Muslims, grandmas to schoolboys, because "verses [which first appeared two weeks after birth] from the Koran appear and fade every few days". And his mother Madina has no doubt the verses were connected to extremism. This week the Koranic verse "Be thankful or grateful to Allah" was printed clearly legible in Arabic script, on the boys right leg. Showing that Muslims believe this infant child is a "miracle", "Up to 2,000 pilgrims from Russia's 20 million Muslim population come daily to see the docile, blue-eyed baby." Green satin flags to mark the way to Ali's pink brick house in the small town named Kizlyar.

The one thing that I got confused about in the article was when Makhachkala's influential mayor, Sayid Amirov said "What happened here is indeed a miracle, but this should also be a message to not take religion too far,". This confused me because I didn't understand how believing the child was a "miracle" would be a message to not take religion too far.

Here is a video of the story...

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