Wednesday, October 14, 2009

GM Hummers And Their Future

If GM doesn't finish the deal with China's Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery. the Hummer my be on the "road to extinction". The plan for GM is to continue building these "vehicles through a transitional period". Another plan is for the Hummers to be crated in the United States, and eventually replace these gas guzzling cars with newer models "that use lighter-weight materials and advanced power trains, and maybe even hybrid vehicles". The GM plant in Shreveport, La. that builds the Hummer H3 will be scheduled for closing within the next year, while the AM General plant in Mishawaka, Ind. that builds the H2 and the U.S. Department of Defense is scheduled to stay open. One of the problems that is halting the finishing touches of the deal with China is "China's National Development and Reform Commission has said publicly the purchase of Hummer is inconsistent with China's effort to become greener". A GM official also says that "If it doesn't get sold, we'll close it".

If China is so worried about the effect of purchasing the Hummer because it would be inconsistent with China's effort to become greener, why hasn't China tried other ways to help no only China, but the whole world become greener? For example, as a GM official said "If it doesn't get sold, we'll close it," wouldn't this be an incentive for China to not sign the deal, so that China can help make the world a greener place??

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