Thursday, October 15, 2009

Econimic crisis & World Hunger

"The global economic crisis has caused a spike in world hunger that has left more than a billion undernourished, United Nations agencies said in a new report." For this world to be in the 21at century "almost one in six of the world's population is now going hungry" said Josette Sheeran. According to a report by the WFP and the Food Agriculture Organization, "Nearly all the world's undernourished live in developing countries." For example 642 million from Asia and the Pacific suffer from chronic hunger and "an additional 265 million live in sub-Saharan Africa while 95 million come from Latin America...". "The report calls for greater investment in agriculture to tackle long and short-term hunger by making farmers productive and more resilient to crises. 'We know what is needed to meet urgent hunger needs -- we just need the resources and the international commitment to do the job,' Sheeran said."

This article made me feel angry with the world because we are not doing all we can to help these developing countries with their hunger issues. I feel that although countries are donating to developing areas, we are not doing all we can and really taking a serious look at what the world can do to help control, save, or even stop the world hunger that is occuring.

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