Thursday, October 15, 2009

Obama to New Orleans

Obama took his first trips to New Orleans since he was appointed President. "During [the] town-hall meeting at the University of New Orleans, Gabriel Bordenave "cited continued delays in damage-reimbursement payments from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. 'I expected as much from the Bush administration,' he said. 'But why are we still being nickled and dimed?'" To this question, "Mr. Obama replied. 'There are all sorts of complications....I wish I could just write a check.'"

New reports from October 15, 2009, showed that "about 30,000 jobs have been directly created or saved by contractors who received money from the $787 billion stimulus package for infrastructure and social programs..., [but] Republicans used the latest report to renew their criticism of the stimulus. 'As the American people consider the disappointing results announced today, they are asking, 'Where are the jobs?' said Indiana Rep. Mike Pence, chairman of the House Republican Conference."

This article reminded me of another that I had read and blogged about Unemployment rates and Discouraged workers, who are people that are unemployed because they believe there are no jobs available.

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