Monday, December 7, 2009

Mind Break 12/6-12/12

"In 1989, six years before ToyStory, Pixar Animation Studios made this short film."
I love this pixar short film so much. Whenever I see it, the video makes me laugh. ENJOY!

Obama's 2009 Halloween Party

For Barack Obama's first Halloween as President, he spent it handing out candy to "to many of the estimated 2,000 children from 11 area schools on the north portico of the White House." While First Lady, Michelle Obama got into the spirit of Halloween by dressing up as Cat Woman, "Obama stayed in more presidential character, wearing slacks, a checkered shirt, and a black sweater." Susan Rice, a member of Obama's cabinet, "dressed up as the Disney character Goofy..., and the White House spokesman Robert Gibbs suited up as Darth Vader..., [but] there is no immediate word on who was dressed and the film's Wookie character Chewbacca, or the Stormtrooper."

Talking about the children at the party President Obama added "They're adorable,... as is, by the way, my wife, a very nice-looking Cat Woman."

Young man killed in District near site of recent double homicide

In a Southeast Washington neighborhood where a double homicide had recently occured, a 19 year-old, Ashton Hunter was shot and killed on October 31st around 8 pm. He was shot and killed south of E. Capitol Street, which is within 200 yards "from the address listed for one of the two people fatally shot last month on Clay Terrace NE. Those killings came during what was characterized as a fight between rival groups...A second homicide was reported in Southeast Washington Saturday night, about one half hour after the first, but about four or five miles away."

This article scares me because the guy was just a few years older than me. This creeps me out because since we are so close in age, I feel like I could have been him.

1,600 are suggested daily for FBI's list

"During a 12-month period ended in March this year, the U.S. intelligence community suggested on a daily basis that 1,600 people qualified for the list." These 1,600 people qualify because they have raised a "'reasonable suspicion,' according to data provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee by the FBI in September and made public last week. "

Although some may think that each of these 1,600 names that qualify each day are 1,600 different people, they are wrong. The 1,600 people include "an alias or name variant for a previously watchlisted person."

Here are some interesting facts about the FBI's terrorist watch list:

"The ever-churning list is said to contain more than 400,000 unique names and over 1 million entries. The committee was told that over that same period, officials asked each day that 600 names be removed and 4,800 records be modified. Fewer than 5 percent of the people on the list are U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. Nine percent of those on the terrorism list, the FBI said, are also on the government's 'no fly' list.... "Regardless of the reporting source, FBI policy requires that each threat or suspicious incident should receive some level of review and assessment to determine the potential nexus to terrorism," the audit said.
I liked this article because I never knew that there were 1,600 people daily that qualify for the FBI's terrorist watch list. I also liked this article because I like to learn about things that are happening in the Bureau and how they do things (sort the list, get rid of certain names, add others...).

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Former Alexandria, Virginia Police Chief David P. Baker arrested for a DUI

Former Alexandria police chief David P. Baker has been denied a new life insurance policy.
Why may you ask? The man who is there to help keep others safe on the roads and people safe in there homes was arrested for a DUI this past July, "when he was caught drunk behind the wheel of an unmarked city car after a fender-bender in Arlington County. In that one moment, the well-respected chief lost it all.

In his cheesy Youtube video titled Even a Police Chief Can Get Nailed Drunk Driving Baker described how he felt being caught. Some of his emotions included fright, humiliation, and disgust. Baker goes on to state some facts about checkpoints in Virginia, Maryland and D.C.. One of which includes that these checkpoints will arrest of 75,000 for drunk driving in the year of 2009. Some effects of a DUI arrest are thousands of dollars for the fine, the loss of your license, time spent behind bars and reactions of those you know, and how they will look at you. The most important effect of getting arrested for a DUI, is that it will never go away (for example because of Barkers arrest, he was not able to get a new life insurance policy). This video ends with the quote, "Are you going to risk everything by drinking and driving? Are you going to kill someone tonight?"

Personally? I think it's stupid for someone to have more drinks than they can handle and to also think that it would be smart to drive after having more than your full of alcohol.

Video from Washington Post and Youtube

Six Uighur Chinese detainees sent to Palau

The Obama administration has sent six Uighur Chinese detainees from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the Pacific island nation of Palau. Three of the six, are clients of the center while the other three are represented by other lawyers. An administration official confirmed the detainees had been sent to Palau (small Pacific island north of between australia and Japan). "The transfer leaves 215 detainees at the detention camp that President Obama has pledged to close by Jan. 22, although political and legal hurdles are making it difficult for his administration to meet that goal."

"Palau has agreed to take up to a dozen Uighurs, who come from China's largely Muslim far-west region of Xinjiang and were captured by the U.S. government during the Afghanistan war". Although hey have been deemed not to be "enemy combatants" they have remained at Guantanamo because the prison was having trouble relocating them to another penitentiary.
"Palau has agreed to provide a temporary home for the three men while the United States continues to search for a country where they can be permanently resettled"

I have two questions...

Wasn't Guantanamo supposed to already be closed by now? What's taking so long Obama??
How were they able to figure out whether the people were "enemy combatants" or not?

Investigator Maj. Hachim fatally shot in Baghdad

In Baghdad, a man suspected of having a connection to the October 25th bombings targeting Iraqi ministries, "grabbed a gun from a guard and fatally shot a senior investigator (Maj. Arkan Hachim)". Ministry officials vowed to "investigate the matters behind this incident," because it showed a deliberate neglect for security. The statement taken about the incident states that the suspect wounded the guard, who he took the gun from, "before barging into Hachiim's office and shooting him."

"Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has asked the United Nations to investigate the bombings... By crippling key government agencies, the bombings appear to represent a shift in tactics by a weakened insurgency, U.S. and Iraqi officials said. Rather than targeting civilians at places such as markets and mosques in hopes of inflaming sectarian tension, the organizers of the latest attacks appear to be motivated by a desire to weaken the government and discredit Iraq's security forces, as the U.S. military pulls out and Iraqi politicians gear up for an election scheduled for January."

Former state Senate Republican leader Joseph L. Bruno accused of collecting illiegal gratuities

In Albany, New York, Former state Republican leader Joseph L. Bruno,80, " was a top power broker. "On Monday, he faces trial on charges that could tarnish his legacy, send him to prison and serve as a de facto indictment of Albany's oft-criticized political culture." The Federal prosecutors are accusing Bruno of collecting over "$3.2 million in commissions and gifts over 13 years in return for using his state influence to benefit a dozen labor unions and three private businessmen."

Bruno is just another target "in a line of corruption cases against New York officials over the past two decades. [Some examples of how Bruno is not the first to be accused of wrongful doing:]
Assembly Speaker Mel Miller was convicted of fraud in 1991 and Sen. Guy Velella went to jail for bribery conspiracy in 2004. Comptroller Alan G. Hevesi -- reelected while under indictment -- was convicted of using state workers to chauffeur his wife in 2006. This year, former health commissioner Antonia Novello, once the U.S. surgeon general, was convicted of using state workers to help her with shopping and other personal business...Bruno, who grabbed the New York Senate Republican majority's leadership post in a 1994 overthrow, doggedly courted high-tech projects for New York, often in his district. But in many ways, he was an old-time pol, a guy who used phrases like 'a man's man,' occasionally cursed in news conferences, paused to chat with young female reporters and interns, and seethed when he felt a handshake deal was broken... Bruno resigned in the summer of 2008, only months after Democratic Gov. Eliot L. Spitzer -- the political nemesis Bruno..., fell from power in a prostitution scandal. The three-year federal investigation of Bruno led to charges a few months after that."

After the preliminary hearing, Bruno "[has] a lot of confidence... and that a jury will decide our innocence."

Iraqs first DNA Lab

In Iraqs First DNA Lab "they have collected nearly 4,000 samples from unidentified bodies and relatives of people missing after explosions". The year old DNA lab plans to use its resources to "solve new and old mysteries in a country [Iraq] where war and sectarian conflict have created legions of them." Iraq plans on opening "two more labs in the coming years that would work exclusively on mass grave cases... and [can] chine a light on some of the darkest chapters of Iraq's bloody history." Since the opening of the new lab, the scientists have been able to "help out in court cases, by providing scientific evidence into a justice system... [that] has relied almost exclusively on confessions and uncorroborated accusations."

What is the reason for not having a DNA lab earlier? "Sanctions and bans... have obstructed [us] from using this technology," says the Baghdad morgue director Munjid Salahadin.

"the central Baghdad morgue built in the 1930's by the British," until recently has been run by the Shiite militias since the 2003 US-led invasion. Since there was no DNA lab to figure out who the dead decapitated, burned or tortured beyond recognition were, "Thousands were buried in unmarked graves, and morgue officials could do little other than photograph corpses and try to keep track of burial places."

"Iraqi judges, many of whom have been slow to accept the reliability of DNA evidence, increasingly call on morgue officials to help solve crimes and disputes."

Here are some of the cases where the new DNA lab has helped in Iraq's Justice System.

"DNA evidence vindicated a man who took his wife to court accusing her of bearing another man's child.
"Another recent case caught the attention of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who got an aide to call the morgue and demand that the case be given priority because two tribes were about to go to war."
"In another incident, relatives of an inmate in a Baghdad prison killed her when she became pregnant, allegedly after being raped by a guard. Two guards became suspects, but both denied the allegation. The woman's body was brought to the morgue, where scientists obtained a DNA sample from her fetus. The guards were forced to submit samples. One came back as a match."

I think that the creation of Iraqs first DNA lab was one of the best ideas. It will bring closure to many families, and help solve cases which would have been seen and unsolvable in the past.

Whoever figured out how to test DNA and stuff was a genius!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mind break 10/24-10/31

This is my mind break for the week. This short part of Ice Age (first movie of the Ice Age trilogy) makes me laugh everytime I think or hear the quote "They Headed North Two Hours Ago" said by the sloth character named Sid who was mimicking the sabertoothed tiger character named Diego.

Capitalism: Friend, Foe, or something inbetween?

As the United States moves into the 21st Century, capitalism would be in-between a friend and an unbiased economic choice to our present and near future economy. And that Laissez-faire capitalism would not be the best idea for the United States economy. Capitalism is defined as an economic system based on private ownership of the factors of production. Capitalism would be a great economic choice for the United States because capitalism would create a “free society… in which all peaceful, voluntary actions and interactions are permitted and all use of force or fraud, except defensively, is forbidden.” In 1776, the government was seen as a major threat to ones rights and liberties. “The constitution of this nation was designed to limit government very strictly”. The concept of capitalism also helped the unemployment problems. In the 1900’s the unemployment rate had increased drastically, and because the labor markets were mostly free, many unemployed found jobs, learned skills, and created better lives for themselves. As Baetjer Jr. said, “In a free economy – unemployment is not a problem”. This can help with our current economic state because the rate of our unemployed citizens is increasing daily with budget cuts of businesses. Another example to show that capitalism has worked “some hundreds or thousands of the rich got richer… millions and millions of the poor got richer… The people of this country prospered…because our economy was free, our government was limited, and out property was protected,” this was how the free economy worked in the 1900’s. An example of how the government has ruined the free economies of the past, think back to 1919, six years after the Federal government took over the economy. After the Feds took over the CPI, Consumer Price Index for items, increased. The government interference also worked against the unemployment rates. Before, when the economy was mostly free” whenever such a person found another willing to pay him for a good or service, he was in business.” On the contrary, when the government intervened, the government has created a “host of regulations, taxes, license laws, registration fees, union rules, minimum wages and other controls stand in the way.” This government influence on the economy has actually increased the number of unemployed. This occurred because if unemployed are not earning money they do not spend as much money. Moreover, if they don’t spend as much money, producers will have to cut back because they are not earning as much. These cutbacks would include lower production numbers, budget cut of department that includes job losses, and regular employee cuts.
Laissez-faire is the principle that the government should not interfere in the economy and “functions only to assure justice and [to] keep peace”. With Capitalism paired up with the principle of Laissez-faire, the market economy would be in its purest form. A pure market economy would include no help or watch from the government in any consumption or production in the United States. A laissez-faire capitalism would not be the best idea for the world because, as seen in the past where consumption and production fluctuated, we need some form of government help the make sure the economy does not go haywire.

[All above quotes from (The Case for Capitalism Howard Baetjer JR.)].

hand sanitizer risks and safety

Here are some risks for hand sanitizer users.

1. using too much can make children sick
2. is 62-63% alcohol
3. increasing number of poison control call from concerned parents who children has licked their hand after suing the sanitizer, or tots accidentally drinking it
4. if one or more teaspoons of hand sanitizer is injested it can cause an intoxication in young children
5. hand sanitizer is highly flammable

What can be done to reduce problems?

as one elementary school did: they created strict policies on the use of hand sanitizer where only adults can dispense the sanitizer, and the bottles are kept out of students reach

All facts came from the below video found on

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Russian Miracle Baby

For Russia's mostly Muslim southern fringe, a new "miracle" has occurred. This miracle is a 9-month-old baby named Ali Yakubov. He is seen as a "miracle" by Muslims, grandmas to schoolboys, because "verses [which first appeared two weeks after birth] from the Koran appear and fade every few days". And his mother Madina has no doubt the verses were connected to extremism. This week the Koranic verse "Be thankful or grateful to Allah" was printed clearly legible in Arabic script, on the boys right leg. Showing that Muslims believe this infant child is a "miracle", "Up to 2,000 pilgrims from Russia's 20 million Muslim population come daily to see the docile, blue-eyed baby." Green satin flags to mark the way to Ali's pink brick house in the small town named Kizlyar.

The one thing that I got confused about in the article was when Makhachkala's influential mayor, Sayid Amirov said "What happened here is indeed a miracle, but this should also be a message to not take religion too far,". This confused me because I didn't understand how believing the child was a "miracle" would be a message to not take religion too far.

Here is a video of the story...

Lake Chad Shrinking?!?!

From a satellite image taken in 1963, Lake Chad was the size of Maryland, which is bigger than Israel or Kuwait. As of 2003, the size of Lake Chad has decreased to less than one-fifth of the original 1963 size. Lake Chad, that was once one of the "biggest bodies of water in the world, could disappear entirely in about 20 years. Parviz Koohafkan says that "The Lake Chad basin is 'one of the most important agriculture heritage sites in the world -- the biodiversity, the migratory birds, not to mention more than 20 million people living out of Lake Chad -- fisherpeople, farmers. [And] 'It would be a human disaster, a tragedy'". The decrease in the size of Lake Chad has been caused by many things, including climate change (global warming), and population pressuring the lakes water supply. Another factor to the decreased size is that the "Two rivers which feed the lake, the Chari and Logone, have been significantly reduced in the past 40 years, the agency said."

First off, I must admit that even though Lake Chad is widley known, I never knew where Lake Chad was located, let alone how much its surrounding area depended on its water. Knowing the fact that there are over 20 million people living from Lake Chads resources, and that Lake Chad is "one of the most important agriculture heritage sites in the world -- the biodiversity, the migratory birds..." is just mind boggling. And knowing these facts I feel like there should be something that not only I, but the rest of the world could do to help the life that depends off of the shrinking lake.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Econimic crisis & World Hunger

"The global economic crisis has caused a spike in world hunger that has left more than a billion undernourished, United Nations agencies said in a new report." For this world to be in the 21at century "almost one in six of the world's population is now going hungry" said Josette Sheeran. According to a report by the WFP and the Food Agriculture Organization, "Nearly all the world's undernourished live in developing countries." For example 642 million from Asia and the Pacific suffer from chronic hunger and "an additional 265 million live in sub-Saharan Africa while 95 million come from Latin America...". "The report calls for greater investment in agriculture to tackle long and short-term hunger by making farmers productive and more resilient to crises. 'We know what is needed to meet urgent hunger needs -- we just need the resources and the international commitment to do the job,' Sheeran said."

This article made me feel angry with the world because we are not doing all we can to help these developing countries with their hunger issues. I feel that although countries are donating to developing areas, we are not doing all we can and really taking a serious look at what the world can do to help control, save, or even stop the world hunger that is occuring.

Obama to New Orleans

Obama took his first trips to New Orleans since he was appointed President. "During [the] town-hall meeting at the University of New Orleans, Gabriel Bordenave "cited continued delays in damage-reimbursement payments from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. 'I expected as much from the Bush administration,' he said. 'But why are we still being nickled and dimed?'" To this question, "Mr. Obama replied. 'There are all sorts of complications....I wish I could just write a check.'"

New reports from October 15, 2009, showed that "about 30,000 jobs have been directly created or saved by contractors who received money from the $787 billion stimulus package for infrastructure and social programs..., [but] Republicans used the latest report to renew their criticism of the stimulus. 'As the American people consider the disappointing results announced today, they are asking, 'Where are the jobs?' said Indiana Rep. Mike Pence, chairman of the House Republican Conference."

This article reminded me of another that I had read and blogged about Unemployment rates and Discouraged workers, who are people that are unemployed because they believe there are no jobs available.

My child's been taken by a homemade helium balloon!!

The frantic search for a 6 year old boy named Falcon Heene started in Fort Collins, Colorado when a giant homemade helium balloon was seen floating away from the family's yard. The balloon was shown flying through the air on television nationwideAfter the boy's brother said he saw Falcon geting into the balloon, "Kevin Kuretich, of the Colorado Division of Emergency Management,... said the balloon did seem to be big enough to carry a 6-year-old". "While the balloon was airborne, Colorado Army National Guard sent a UH-58 Kiowa helicopter and was preparing to send a Black Hawk UH-60 to try to rescue the boy, possibly by lowering someone to the balloon. They also were working with pilots of ultralight aircraft on the possibility of putting weights on the homemade craft to weigh it down. " The balloon that the boy was thought to be in, eventual fell to the ground after a " two-hour, 50-mile journey through two counties...12 miles northeast of Denver International Airport". After Falcon wasn't found in the helium balloon, the "'FAA canceled all northbound takeoffs between 1 p.m. and 1:15 p.m. MDT', said Lyle Burrington, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association representative at the center". The Boy was eventually found hiding in a cardboard box, safe and sound in his own attic.

New Casino is Las Vegas?!?!!

In Las Vegas, MGM-Mirage's has been planning to create an $8.5 billion complex of shops, condos and boutique hotels that is set to open in December. The building has been designed by a small group of "world-renowned architects and anchored by a 4,000-room hotel casino". The creation of this new resort will lead to the hiring of 12,000 people. "Michael Peltyn, CityCenter's Vice President of human resources, describes [it] as the 'single biggest hiring opportunity in the history of the U.S.'" And with the unemployment rate in Nevada at 13.2%, it's bound to help. "The company has already offered 4,000 of those jobs to current MGM employees (95% of whom accepted)". Many of the new employed have had their unemployment ran out, and are desperate to find a job. "The project, however, has been plagued by mishaps: construction-worker deaths, a near bankruptcy, and defects at one tower, the Harmon, that resulted in plans to lop off its upper 21 stories, but MGM-Mirage says the project is in good shape." "It's one of the nicest hotels, not only in Las Vegas but in the country, if not the world. Regardless of the rough economy, I think we'll still be successful," Marc Beltran, says after getting hired as a front-service bellman.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

GM Hummers And Their Future

If GM doesn't finish the deal with China's Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery. the Hummer my be on the "road to extinction". The plan for GM is to continue building these "vehicles through a transitional period". Another plan is for the Hummers to be crated in the United States, and eventually replace these gas guzzling cars with newer models "that use lighter-weight materials and advanced power trains, and maybe even hybrid vehicles". The GM plant in Shreveport, La. that builds the Hummer H3 will be scheduled for closing within the next year, while the AM General plant in Mishawaka, Ind. that builds the H2 and the U.S. Department of Defense is scheduled to stay open. One of the problems that is halting the finishing touches of the deal with China is "China's National Development and Reform Commission has said publicly the purchase of Hummer is inconsistent with China's effort to become greener". A GM official also says that "If it doesn't get sold, we'll close it".

If China is so worried about the effect of purchasing the Hummer because it would be inconsistent with China's effort to become greener, why hasn't China tried other ways to help no only China, but the whole world become greener? For example, as a GM official said "If it doesn't get sold, we'll close it," wouldn't this be an incentive for China to not sign the deal, so that China can help make the world a greener place??

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stray animals taking public transportation

Stray dogs have now learned how to commute from a city centre by using "underground trains" to search for food in different areas of a city. "the clever canines board the Tube each morning. After a hard day scavenging and begging on the streets, they hop back on the train and return to the suburbs where they spend the night... the dogs even work together to make sure they get off at the right stop-after learning to judge the length of time they need to spend on the train". Scientists believe that this daily migration of stray dogs from suburbs to city to suburbs again started after the 1990's when the Soviet Union collapsed, and new industrial complexes were built in the suburbs. if the dogs were confident enough, and new a lot about the trains, they would "jump on the train seconds before the doors shut, risking their tails getting jammed. They do it for fun. And sometimes they fall asleep and get off at the wrong stop." The dogs have also learned to "use traffic lights to cross the road safely", and they also learned how to obtain Shawarma, a popular snack in Moscow. The stray dogs did this by, sneaking up behind people eating shawarmas - then bark loudly to shock them into dropping their food." There have been other records of animals taking public transportation to find food. In 2006 a Jack Russell in Dunnington, North Yorks , began taking the bus to his local pub in search of sausages. And two years ago passengers in Wolverhampton were stunned when a cat called Macavity started catching the 331 bus to a fish and chip shop.

I think this was amazing. For these animals o be able to figure out how not only to get food from people, but to find food by taking public transportation is just amazing. Personally? I get lost on BART, and for these animals, with smaller brains to be able to take the bus or Bart-like transportation is fascinating

Unemployed & Discouraged workers

The Unemployment rate reached its highest in September since 1983 with the rate climbing to 9.8%. And the United States unemployed just topped 15.1 million unemployed men and women. Economists say that, like usual, unemployment will rise through the end of the year, but there is a possibility that the "surge of unemployment will extend well into 2010." And economists say that the "recession is technically over" but it is unknown when it will feel like it's over in the real economy. The main problem of unemployment is "How long the federal government will continue to extend unemployment benefits... the House has passed legislation to give an additional 13 weeks of benefits to residents of states with unemployment above 8.5%". Not only has the unemployment numbers risen, but also the number of "discouraged workers". Discouraged workers are "people not seeking work because they believe there are no jobs available- has risen by 239,000 in the past year to 706,000". An example of something good that has happened since our economy has lowered is that "Employment in health care rose by 19,000, which added 559,000 jobs since the beginning of the recession". Shierholz says "this recession is just astounding for the duration of the unemployment".

When I learned of these facts, the fact that shocked me the most was the number of "discouraged workers" there were. I, mean, I realize that there are not enough jobs for every person in the world, but for 706,000 people in the United States to not be looking for just is just ridiculous

What the mayors of the US are trying to do to lower crime numbers

"A new report from a national coalition of mayors urges President Obama to adopt dozens of reforms to help curb gun violence, including steps to crack down on problems at gun shows and the creation of a federal interstate firearms trafficking unit." These include 40 recommendations that "would dramatically improve law enforcement's ability to keep guns out of the hands of criminals" This in turn would bring crime numbers down, and the amount of people killed due to crimes. There also were about 450 mayors nationwide that "focus on the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)". It has also been verified that "Criminal activity endemic to some gun shows goes unchecked". The reports from the mayors of the United States also include "a better approach to crime gun tracing, the process that tracks a seized weapon back to its first retail sale." Another idea that the mayors had to help stop gun crimes is for the manufacturers
stamp new guns with a second, hidden serial number...The ATF also needs $53 million to hire more field inspectors to ensure compliance by gun dealers, the report said. At the current pace, dealers are inspected once every 11 years, instead of the agency's goal of once every three years, according to the report.

I think that with the idea of new guns containing a second, hidden serial number, it would only be a matter of time until criminals found the hidden second serial number and manufacturers or ATF would have to find another way to catch criminals.

$23,000 commemorative pen for Mahatma Gandhi's 140th birthday

In New Delhi, Gandhi, the father of modern India and an icon of asceticism and nonviolence, "latest incarnation may be the most ironic: Gandhi, in his signature loincloth, hawking a $23,000 fountain pen named in his honor. [This] limited-edition Montblanc fountain pen in 18-carat solid gold is engraved with Gandhi's image and tricked out with a saffron-colored mandarin garent on the clip and a rhodium-plated nib." This pen has been created to help celebrate Gandhi's 140th Birthday. With the price of this pen "Gandhi would say it should be tossed in the trash or, better, sold off to pay for water and power for the poor". And Amit Modi, secretary of Gandhi's Sabarmati Ashram says "Gandhi would have been ashamed". Aware of the possible problems that would come with selling this pen, "Montblanc made a $145,666 donation to the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation even before selling a single pen" said Tushar Gandhi. "Montblanc is issuing 241 of the commemorative Gandhi pens, a number that highlights the amount of miles Gandhi walked in his famous 1930 'salt march' to the Arabian Sea , a successful act of civil disobedience against salt taxes levied by the British."

I believe that although the pen was created for a great cause, and is donating money to help others, the money used to create and buy the pen would be better used for food, water, and other needs for people, not only in India, but possibly in other countries.

Can a Chinese/African-American Contestant Become a Chinese Idol?

Lou Jing is a typical young 20-year-old woman from Shanghai who speaks Mandarin with a heavy accent, and a hint of the lilting tones of the Shanghai dialect. She was born from an unmarried couple with a Chinese mother, and a father of African- American descent whom she has never met. As a girl of mixed race, brought up by a single Chinese mother, struggling to gain acceptance in a deeply conservative, some would say racist, society. "When she took part in an American Idol–esque TV show, Go! Oriental Angel, last August, Lou's appearance on the show not only boosted viewer numbers but also sparked an intense nationwide debate about the essential meaning of being Chinese." Many believe because she is not Full Chinese, she should not be "allowed to compete on a Chinese show, or at least not selected to represent Shanghai in the National competition." Because she doesn't have the "usual Chinese" fair skin, which is one of the most important factors for Chinese beauty and "her mother and her biological father were never married; morally, the argument goes, this kind of behavior shouldn't be publicized". And that she shouldn't have been put on TV as a young "idol." One of the most popular posts about Lou Jing on the KDS Life forum asked in mock seriousness, "Is it possible that she is Obama's daughter?" Another poster said, "I can't believe she's so shameless that she would go on TV." Most of the critics are agreed on one point: that this black woman cannot be regarded as a "real" Chinese. "Through this competition, it's really scary to find out how the color of my skin can cause such a big controversy" said Jing. "When I meet somebody for the first time, they'd often ask me how I can speak Chinese so well, and I tell them, 'Because I'm a Chinese — of course I can speak my mother tongue well,' " To show that this is not a new issue here is another example of these racism and society problems. "Last year, Ding Hui, a young man of African-Chinese ethnicity, caused a stir when he was called up to the national volleyball team, prompting much soul-searching about whether the athlete should be allowed to represent China alongside pure-blooded Chinese competitors. Eventually, Ding Hui did go on to play for the national team."

I believe that the quotes "Is it possible that she is Obama's Daughter?" and "I can't believe she's so shameless that she would go on TV" from KDS Life forum, are very racist and show the flaws of the Chinese society, where children must have married parents, who are both Chinese, and because of her race, she and her mother were not accepted lightly in the Chinese Society. I also think that just because her father was of black decent does not allow for people to judge her and call her a "black woman [and that she should not] be regarded as a "real" Chinese.

The Price of Coffee and FLO

FLO (Fair Trade Labelling Organizations International), for the past 25 years has worked to pay struggling 3rd world farmers by paying them higher-than-market prices for everything from coffee to quinoa, and has "recruited retail giants like Starbucks". Even after FLO's help, of 179 Fair Trade coffee, more than half the families in Central America and Mexico "were still going hungry for several months a year" said a private-industry survey last year. Although FLO is paying "$1.55 per lb [which is] almost 10% more than the market price, [the farmers were] left with only 50¢ per lb. after paying Fair Trade cooperative fees, government taxes and farming expenses. By the year's end, from the few thousand pounds he grows, he'll pocket about $1,000-around half the meager minimum wage in Guatemala - or $2.75 a day." And "according to Fair Trade researcher Christopher Bacon of the University of California, Berkeley, the per-pound price that's needed for farmers to rise above subsistence is really more than $2" so the farmers can feed their families, adn to help better their lives, and coffee. "Even Starbucks is likely to buy less java at that cost". "Connie Silver, a nurse, sipping a large, $4.15 Frappuccino outside a Miami store. Asked if she'd pay, say, $4.50 or even $5 to help absorb higher Fair Trade prices, Silver raises her eyebrows and says, 'Wow, these days, that's a tough one.'" Another problem is how much water is needed just to create these drinks. Not only the water to create the drink but the amount of money it takes to grow the coffee beans.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Cellphones are the roads main problem

For the United States nearly 6,000 people were killed, and more than half a million people were injured in crashes that were linked to texting or talking behind the wheel. These distractions have lead to 20% of the U.S.'s accidents. Although parents are seen texting and calling while driving, they are not the "prime perps when it comes to the distracted-driving accidents". The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said " that drivers younger than 20 are [more] likely to have [these] accidents." So far the District and seven other states have made talking on a cellphone without a hands-free device while driving illegal to all ages. "Congress is considering a nationwide ban on texting behind the wheel, which is already illegal in the District, Maryland, Virginia and 16 other states. In D.C. last year, 12,000 cellphone-gabbing drivers got tickets and 140 were cited for other distracting habits."Although adults and drivers younger than 20 are compelled to text or call somebody while driving, I believe that the congress should pass a nationwide ban on texting or calling behind the wheel. This is not only because of the facts given above, but I think its not smart. There is no reason why a driver cannot pull over or park somewhere to take a call or text someone. A call or text is not as important as a life.

"Californians will ring in the new year Thursday with a number of new laws, including a ban on text messaging while driving, additional punishment of drunken drivers and protection against elder abuse."

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Support for Abortion Rights Declines

With the 2008 election, Abortion rights support has declined by 7%. President Obama, being a pro-choice Democratic, has tilted the scale to a more evenly balanced divide. The new Abortion numbers have been calculated with 51% pro-life, 42% pro-choice, and only 7% undecided.

Women climbing up in the Indonesian Islamic World

In Yogyakarta, with the death of the Indonesian Islamic boarding schools head Islamic scholar, the school was expected to close. The now widowed wife, Nyai Yu Masriya, decided "that she would run the school. 'If men can do it, then why can't I?...' If you, Allah, are the source of all power, then why do I have to find someone else to run it? Just give me the power. I know that I can do it.'" Many, now and in the past, used to say "Power to the People". I say "Power to the women", and good luck Nyai, one of the firsts for Islamic Women.

Devastating Earthquake in Padang,Sumatra,Indonesia

On Semptember 30, local time, the Indonesian city of Padang experienced a7.6 magnitude earthquake. This city, on the island of Sumatra, contains over 900,000 citizens. Padang is one of the world's most vulnerable areas to seismic activity because the islands lay ontop of the Volatile Fault Zone. The nation's Social Affairs Ministry says that "This disaster has taken atleast 529 innocent lives". And Indonesia's National Disaster Management Agency stated that "500 buildings collapsed during the disaster with thousands trapped under rubble". Some of these buildings that collapsed include Hospitals, mosques, and schools. Areas closer the the earthquakes epicenter endured landslides that have cut the areas off and have left the areas without power and fighting rain. "The Indonesian Governemnt has commited $10 million to the relief effort.

The Volatile Fault Zone has created other Natural Disasters of the past including the 2004 incident in Aceh that killed 130,000, the 2006 disaster that took more than 5,000 citizens in Yogyakarta. And the recent 2009 earthquake in the South Pacific Samoan islands that took over 100 people.

As Hannah Beech stated in her article

Earlier this year, Padang mayor Fauzi Bahar told al-Jazeera television that he had asked for funds for potential earthquake relief and management given his city's precarious position on a tectonic fault line. His request, he said, was turned down by national authorities. In retrospect, the denial may look unwise. But Indonesia is a cash-strapped country with many cities located in unstable geological sites. As Padang digs out from this latest devastation, other Indonesians are no doubt wondering who will be the next target of nature's wrath.

Why was Fauzi Bahar's request for potential earthquake relief and management turned down? Doesn't the National Authorities want to help out the cities, and try to help in disaster relief?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Your Morning Coffee and how much water it takes

How much water it takes to create one Latte

"[Including] the lid cup sleeve sugar milk coffee, it takes 200 Liters of water or m ore than 50 gallons of water"

We can help change this "Latte Production" by "how we farm and produce coffee. We can produce more coffee using less water. WE can [also] do more [by] using less of the Natural Resources, right now"

You want to know what I think about this??


Tsunami Hits Samoa

In the early morning, an 8.2 magnitude earthqauke struck the South Pacific between the islands of Somoa and American Samoa. These islands contain about a quarter of a million people that were just starting their days when the quakes and tsunami occured. The "violent earthquakes" lasted for about 3 minutes, and were later followed by "4 massive waves" that reached the heights of 15 to 20 ft tall. So far, on these islands, there has been a recorded 19 deaths.

What I want to know is how the world can help out these islands in the South Pacific, and other areas that can be affected by these and other Natural Disasters. Is there a way to help advance our knowledge in Natural Disasters to help prevent or understand why they happen? Is there a way (in all) to prevent them? Is there a way to advance the worlds Warning Systems so that more people can be evacuated?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

New Nuke Site near Tehran, Iran

In Iran, a new Nuke Site has been created in the Arid Mountains near the city of Qom, which is near Tehran, Iran. Iran has now allowed access to the U.N. inspectors so they may inspect the Uranium enriched facility.

Friday, September 25, 2009

We're not out of Guantanamo Bay yet...

The President has only four months left to close down the Guantanamo Bay Military Prison. Obama's administration after working to recover from mishaps are putting officials behin schedule. They may not finish within four months. If we don't get outin four months will anything go wrong? or will cuba just let us finish up what is needed.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Babies born in Winter,New known facts

New Known facts about Children born during the winter time...
These children born during the winter have been known to test poorly, which leads to not getting far in school, which also leads to a lower wage job. Another educational problem for winter babies is that since they are older than most in their grades, they can drop out of school earlier than others. Another possibility for winter children not succeeding as well as others is a possible vitamin D problem. This plays a role because children born in the winter are getting less sunlight in their early life, than if they were born in the spring or summertime. Also children born in the winter have higher birth-defect rates that has been a suggested cause due to a higher concentration of pesticides in water in the spring and summer, when the child was conceived.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lehman Brothers collapse

On the 1 year anniversary of the Lehman Brothers calling bankrupt, Obama makes a speech in New York about the past reckless behavior of the economy. He included the fact that the Lehman Brothers collapse is, to this day, "the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history and a stark reminder of [our] financial crisis...we will not go back to the days of reckless behavior and unchecked excess that was at the heart of this crisis". He also goes on to state that "the taxpayers were immeasurably harmed from last year's financial collapse-- and that, barring change, it could happen again".
Youtube Speech part 1,Part 2,Part 3

Post 9/11 Security measures for U.S. embassies

A Federal Times article from 2005 states that in the post 9/11 world the U.S. embassies decided to upgrade their security. The new U.S. embassies are now required to "have protective walls that are at least 100 feet away from the embassies... [that] must protect against explosions and ramming attacks from vehicles, and they must be difficult to climb, [their] windows and doors are bulletproof...The new buildings are strong enough to resist most earthquakes and bombs".

I understand the fact that the United States Embassies want to be secure and safe but this seems to be going a little far. It's like the United States is being paranoid. As Thomas L. Friedman said, the new ebassies are so secure that they are a place "where no birds fly"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Turkey And Armenia

Turkey And Armenia are trying to become Allys after trust issues that. Effects: Exchanging of ambassadors,border betweent the two countries will be opened for the first time since 1993 , arrival of a new Turkish foreign minister. BBC World Service Radio.

Married On 9/9/09

9/9/09 is the emergency number in the UK and it's easy to remember.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Drop Off Your E-Waste

Drop Off Your E-Waste on Friday, Sept. 18, from 4:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Call 3, CEAR Hold E-Waste Drive At Cal Expo. Dumping old electronics in the landfill is harmful to the environment and illegal. drop-off day on Friday, Sept. 18, from 4:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Obama's Green Czar

Obama's Green Czar jobs resignes b/c he was a liability (amid a controversy). "On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me...But I came here to fight for others, not for myself."

bay bridge

1/2 inch crack found in Bay Bridge, "Bridge may not be ready tuesday morning" NBC KCRA 3

Water Main in Ventura

Water main breaks on Ventura BLVD. How much money will it take to repair?

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Budget Cuts

even more schools are having to resort to 4 days a week school weeks, because of not having sufficient funds